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Reimagining the African dream for all

We’re working to find new and better ways to help Africans succeed, and we’re looking for people like you to help shape tomorrow at AltSchool Africa.

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people of Altschool Africa
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The Team

The AltSchool Team shares a common trait: audacity. We are a collective of daring pioneers who fearlessly challenge the status quo. We constantly push boundaries, defy limits, and pursue extraordinary achievements.

Our team represents a vibrant blend of diverse talents and backgrounds, collaborating harmoniously to innovate and impact the world.

Core Values

People First

We prioritize building strong relationships, fostering a culture of trust, and ensuring that everyone feels valued and respected. 


By prioritising excellence, we empower our users to embrace success with unbridled confidence. We also monitor our performance rigorously, seeking feedback and ways to improve.  

Growth Mindset

We encourage our team to be curious and audacious, to actively seek new knowledge, ideas and perspectives. We believe that real growth starts when we begin to take risks, make mistakes, and learn from them.  


We have built a culture that embraces open communication, transparency, and collaboration, empowering our team to achieve remarkable results.


We don't wait for opportunities; we create them.Everyone on the team is committed to the bigger picture.